convert your mobile number to 20 digits
For example: Normaly Nigeria networks such as. MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT They all have the same 11 digits number.
Now with this trick you can make it up to 20 or more numbers.
For example: If your phone number is 0816869054 all you have to do is to add any five numbers of your choice to it, And also add 0000 to it
For Example: 08168690584523450000 that's it..
Isn't that simple? I think it's cool...
Now what i like about it is this. Now i meet a beautiful lady somewhere and eventually she asked for my phone number.. I will then give her the 20 digits number..And guest what, she willbe waoing..Lol..... It's Cool Right???
For example: Normaly Nigeria networks such as. MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT They all have the same 11 digits number.
Now with this trick you can make it up to 20 or more numbers.
For example: If your phone number is 0816869054 all you have to do is to add any five numbers of your choice to it, And also add 0000 to it
For Example: 08168690584523450000 that's it..
Isn't that simple? I think it's cool...
Now what i like about it is this. Now i meet a beautiful lady somewhere and eventually she asked for my phone number.. I will then give her the 20 digits number..And guest what, she willbe waoing..Lol..... It's Cool Right???